
We provide customized cloud consulting services to providers, payers and pharmaceutical companies.

A large healthcare firm


Many healthcare providers have adopted EHR systems because the data they generate enables them provide better care at a lower cost while increasing revenues. Providers also are increasingly entering into risk-sharing contracts or incentive payment arrangements – also known as pay-for-performance. By utilizing a secure cloud solution, they are able to build new applications that help them meet new requirements around quality scoring and contract negotiation. Also, by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms, they can achieve new insight into patient treatment options as well as optimum delivery of care.


Payers are facing numerous challenges due to increasing regulatory requirements and pricing pressure. Plus, the marketplace model resulting from Affordable Care Act has required them to interact in a specific way with data exchange through the marketplaces. However, through use of cloud-based technologies, newer applications which provide enhanced benefits to providers can be built.

Pharmaceutical Industry

In addition to a wealth of data from clinical trial research, the pharmaceutical industry procures information from post-launch marketing studies. Due to the lower cost of computing resources from cloud vendors, this data can be gathered from an increasing number of sources. Also, by applying AI and machine learning technologies, pharmaceutical companies can leverage this data to gain new insights on market requirements, patient efficacy and other objectives.